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トップページ > アーカイブス > No.4(2001)16.Permeation rate of albumin through peritoneum under varied consistency gradient of albumin and glucose

No.4(2001)16.Permeation rate of albumin through peritoneum under varied consistency gradient of albumin and glucose

印刷用ページを表示する 更新日:2016年12月19日更新


Motoko KOYAMA, Yoshiyuki TANIZAKI, Asahi SAKAI, Tomomi FUKAWA and Akihiro YAMASHITA

We have aimed at substituting glucose in dialysate with the recovered albumin from Peritoneal Dialysis effluent. When albumin consistency in dialysate is higher than that of serum albumin, ultrafiltration may accompany albumin transport from the body to the dialysate. It is crucial to evaluate how much albumin permeates out due to the osmotic pressure gradient and how much permeates in due to the consistency gradient and by lymphatic flow. A rabbit's perotoneum was peeled off, and inserted between a pair of glass cells, where 5% albumin labeled with I-125 in saline solution was in the left cell and albumin of varied consistency in saline solution was in the right cell. For comparison, glucose at varied consistency was added to 5% albumin saline solution in the right. The I-125 labeled albumin was measured with a gamma ray counter. The consistency of the I-125 labeled albumin in the right was minimum when the consistency in both cells was equal, and increased as the albumin consistency in the right increased, against a reverse consistency gradient. This fact indicates that more albumin permeates out with ultrafiltration, even through diffusion of albumin occurs reversely. Also in the case of glucose addition to the 5% albumin in the right, the I-125 labeled albumin permeation rate per unit of consistency gradient was almost comparable to that of albumin. Serum albumin may permeate out with ultrafiltration proportionally to the osmotic pressure gradient caused either by albumin or by glucose.


Peritoneal dialysis, Peritoneum, Albumin, Glucose, Permeation, Ultrafiltration, Osmotic pressure, 125I-albumin, Rabbit


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