No.4(2001)4.High-temperature characteristics of noble metal thermocouples by a wire melting method
Jun ODE, Miyoshi OGAWA, Seiichi MIYASHITA and Masahiko GOTO
Standardization of a thermocouple calibration method in the high temperature range is demanded by Japanese industries. A method, that uses the melting point of palladiun(1554.8℃)is examined. The establishment of instrumental technology of using the melting-point temperature was made possible by the palladium wire method. To avoid ambiguity in assigining Emf to the palladium melting point, a data analysis program is developed which can determine a unique Emf from the data and can reject low quality plateaus. Reproducibility expressed in terms of standard deviation is 0.21K, which is better than previous results.
Palladium, Wire method, Uncertainty