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トップページ > 研究報告 > No.10(2015)12.Verification of noise suppressing performance calculation technique for conduction interference suppression parts

No.10(2015)12.Verification of noise suppressing performance calculation technique for conduction interference suppression parts

印刷用ページを表示する 更新日:2016年12月19日更新


Hiroyuki Ohashi, Yuta Watanabe, Manabu Omori

  This study proposes an equivalent circuit for an Equipment Under Test (EUT) for conduction interference noise suppression. This report shows the procedure for derivation of equivalent circuit impedance and noise source voltage from the measured impedance between the power supply terminals and conduction interference waves. Applying this procedure, the comparison of calculation and measurement is shown on the conduction interference waves of an EUT implemented with noise suppression parts.


EMI, Conduction interference, Noise suppression


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