No.3(2000)9.Measurement of potassium-40 contents in azuki bean cuttings by using imaging plate
Motoko KOYAMA and Yosiyuki TANIZAKI
The natural occurring radioactivity in various plant samples was observed by using Imaging plate(IP) with high sensitivity. The high intensity of 40K radioactivity was observed clearly in living organisms in the plants. The autoradiograms were obtained for Azuki bean cutting samples treated with water and KCl solution. The autoradiographic intensiy of KCl-treated samples was higher than that of water-treated samples, especialy in the part of apices. Potassium content was caluculated from PSL (the relative intensity of photo-stimulated luminescence) data of three parts of the samples,epicotyls,leaves and apices. The K content in Azuki cuttings estimated from PSL data was approximately consistent with that determined by neutron activation analysis method. However, there are some problems to be made clear in the use of IP method, for example, validation of each IP, conditions of exposure, measurement of PSL data, fadings of images.
autoradiography,neutron activation analysis, imaging plate, 40K natural radioactivity, azuki bean