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トップページ > アーカイブス > No.3(2000)3.Mechanical properties of thermoplastic elastomer extruded on some conditions

No.3(2000)3.Mechanical properties of thermoplastic elastomer extruded on some conditions

印刷用ページを表示する 更新日:2016年12月19日更新


Kenichi SHIMIZU, Hiroshi UENO, Satoshi ABE and Marina KANEKO

Compression set and stress-strain properties of polystyrene-block-poly-(ethylenepropyrene)-block -polystyrene thermoelastic triblock copolymer films prepared by conventional extrusion molding have been investigated. Films 1mm thick extruded at 140℃, 180℃ or 220℃, and annealed at 60℃, 100℃, 140℃ or 180℃ showed anisotropic stress-strain curves. High values of yield stress along the extruded direction were obtained from films extruded at high temperature and annealed at higher than the glass transition temperature. In the case of extrusion at high temperature, the compression set of film was reduced. However annealing treatment was not effective for the reduction of the compression set of extruded thermoplastic elastomer. Dynamic mechanical analysis estimated that the compression set of extruded film was less than a solvent casted film, because of the difference between those microdomain structures.


Thermoplastic elastomer, Triblock copolymer, Extrusion molding, Compression set, Stress-strain property


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