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トップページ > アーカイブス > No.2(1999)18.Development of an athome device to assist independent life for elderly

No.2(1999)18.Development of an athome device to assist independent life for elderly

印刷用ページを表示する 更新日:2016年12月19日更新


Izumi MIYOSHI, Kimihiko KANAYA, Hideki SHIMIZU, Humihiko AKITA and Noriko SUZUKI

This report is related to the development of a new back-rest raising bed. A prototype is developed as a result of the investigation targeting the elderly's family and the investigation of the aids on the market. Whether the developed prototype would be accepted by the market, and whether improvements are needed were investigated. The prototype is reformed due to the results,and a new lightweight back-rest raising bed which can be used comfortably in the small residence space of the city and a Japanese-style room was made. This new type of bed has an overall height of 10cm and the angle of the back-rest can be set freely by an electric motor between 0 and 75 degrees. It is a new type of bed which in a person with disability can choose the sleeping and sitting condition freely by himself.


elderly, back-rest raising bed, at-home device


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