No.2(1999)16.Development of multipurpose thicktarget PIXE system with an ion accelerator
Masaru NAKAMURA and Hiroaki ISE
An HVEE 1.7MV Tandetron accelerator (Model HV4117HC) equipped with a negative sputter ion source (Model 860A) was employed for a multipurpose thick-target PIXE system. Two Si(Li)semiconductor detectors were used to collect the characteristic X-rays. A beam extraction nozzle with an exit-foil was made of pure copper to reduce backgrounds. A carbon collimator, hole diameter 3 mm, length 5 mm, was set in the nozzle, resulting in a beam-spot diameter of 3 mm. An exit-foil consisting of 6-mm Al foil was used. The atmosphere of the PIXE chamber was replaced with He gas held at atmospheric pressure. Typical incident beam energy and beam current were 2MeV and 5nA , respectively. Aluminum alloy sample and glass sample gave detection limits around Z=30 of this system in the 100ppm(0.01%) region.
Multipurpose Thick-Target PIXE, External-Beam PIXE, Ion Accelerator,Aluminum Alloy, Glass, Elemental analysis