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トップページ > アーカイブス > No.2(1999)6.Measurement of surface profiles by moire topography and image processing

No.2(1999)6.Measurement of surface profiles by moire topography and image processing

印刷用ページを表示する 更新日:2016年12月19日更新


Hirofumi SAWACHIKA and Tomokazu NAKAJYO

This paper describes the measurement equipment of surface profiles by moire topography and image processing. The equipment was made mainly to measure surface flatness of soft materials such as plastics and paper by means of non-contact method. It consists of a projection unit, a CCD camera, and an image processing unit (personal computer). When the measurement area was 80mm(X)×80mm(Y)×3mm(Z), the average coordinate error of the equipment was 0.05mm as compared with results measured by a coordinate measuring machine. We also studied about an effective method of importing moire fringes. As a result,high quality moire pictures are obtained by means of analyzing optical characteristics on the surface.


Measurement of surface profiles, Non-contact method, Moire topography, Image processing, Moire fringes


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